Dr. Fakhruddin Attar and Wife Arrested in Michigan on Female Genital Mutilation Charges

Tennessee Star


The FBI has identified a Female Genital Mutilation ring, where young daughters of resettled Somalis living in Minnesota take what’s called a ‘Girls Trip’ to Michigan to undergo the horrific procedure.

TownHall.com’s Katie Pavlich reports:

Dr. Fakhruddin Attar, according to his vitals.com profile

Doctor Fakhruddin Attar and wife Farida were arrested Friday near Detroit for conspiring to commit and aiding in female genital mutilation [FGM] of girls as young as six-years-old. The Attars allegedly allowed the procedure to be carried in their Livonia medical clinic. Mrs. Attar even held the hands of the girls screaming in pain.

One alleged co-conspirator of Attar and his wife was Michigan emergency room physician Jumana Nagarwala.

According to the criminal complaint from the Department of Justice, the couple conspired with Detroit emergency room doctor Jumana Nagarwala. Nagarwale was arrested last week for performing the procedure on a number of girls.

It appears as though Attar’s role was to supply the facilities so that the little girls could be mutilated by Nagarwala.

The complaint states (embedded below):

This investigation has identified other children who may have been cut by Nagarwala at Attar’s clinic, MBC, between 2005 and 2017, including children in Michigan. On April 10, 2017, child forensic interviews employed by the FBI and HSI interviewed several minor girls in Michigan. In these interviews, multiple minor girls informed forensic interviewers that procedures had been performed on their genitals by Nagarwala. One minor girl said that Farida was present during the procedure performed by Nagarwala.

According to investigators, Pavlich reports, the girls were told they were going on a special ‘Girls Trip’:

The victims were driven by their parents across state lines for the extreme procedure, many coming from Minnesota. They will likely face a number of charges. The minors were told they were being taken on a “girls trip.” Once they arrived at the hotel, they were told they needed to go Nagarwala for a “stomach ache” and FGM was performed to “get the germs out.”

Unlike Tennessee authorities, Minnesota and Michigan law enforcement and health and medical professionals seem to be taking active and aggressive action to eradicate FGM that is especially prevalent in resettled Somali communities, who make up a significant percentage of the resettled refugee population here.

Read the complaint:

Attar Complaint 0 by Katie Pavlich on Scribd

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